How to Register Your Child for Girl Scouts

Parents, guardians, and caregivers who are registering a child who is brand new to Girl Scouts should use the following instructions. If you’re registering a returning Girl Scout, please request alternate instructions from your Regional Executive.

  1. Visit and click “Create User Account.”
  2. Complete necessary fields. (Write down your username and password somewhere safe!) After submitting your details, you will receive a confirmation email at the provided email address within 48 hours that grants you access to your profile.
  3. Login to CouncilAlignMENT using your username and password created.
  4. You will be prompted to register yourself as an adult member. If you plan on leading/co-leading, you can complete this information now. Otherwise, hit skip. You can always register later if needed.
  5. On your home page, click “Girl Membership—Register a girl in your custodial care.
  6. Register for Girl Scout Year 2025 – this registers you for October 1, 2024 through September 30, 2025. Complete all necessary fields, as well as any Gift to Girls donations you wish to contribute. Gift to Girls is our fund that stays in Middle Tennessee to directly benefit members – your girl will receive a special rocker for her registration patch if this donation is $5 or more.
  7. Input accurate parent/guardian information. This information is used to get in contact with you about your Girl Scout.
  8. “Skip Troop Selection” – Your Girl Scout will be placed in our 99999 troop. This is a holding tank. We will place your Girl Scout into the requested troop.
  9. Proceed to payment page. Click the red X to add your Girl Scout’s membership to your total, and input payment information.
  10. Authorize payment.

Important Reminders: 
  • Financial assistance is available. Complete steps 1-8, then contact your Regional Executive to have assistance applied.  
  • Contact your Regional Executive for additional assistance.