General Questions


Membership Registration

  • What age do girls have to be to participate?

    Any girls in grades K-12 can join Girl Scouts. Upon graduation, girls have the option of continuing as adult members and volunteers.

    The Girl Scout program levels are:

    • Daisy: Grades K – 1
    • Brownie: Grades 2 – 3
    • Junior: Grades 4 – 5
    • Cadette: Grades 6 – 8
    • Senior: Grades 9 – 10
    • Ambassador: Grades 11 – 12
  • How much does it cost to participate, and do I need to pay today?

    Annual membership dues required by Girl Scouts of the USA are $25. This registration fee is sent directly to GSUSA. No proceeds from the registration fee are used by our local council.

    In addition to the registration fee, other costs include uniforms, activity books, and troop dues decided by each troop leader. Uniforms typically cost around $50 and troop dues vary to help the leader cover costs of craft supplies and earned patches.

    Financial assistance is available for registration and uniform costs. Reach out to your troop leader or council membership representative to request.

  • How often and where do troops meet?

    Troop leadership creates the schedule for the group and set the pace. Most Girl Scout troops meet between one and three times per month, and the day and time are determined by the leaders.

    Girl Scout troops typically meet in homes, clubhouses, libraries, parks/park pavilions, and places of worship. Many troops also conduct virtual meetings.

  • What do girls do at the meetings?

    Our Girl Scout programming is based around STEAM, outdoor adventures, life skills, and entrepreneurship. During troop meetings, girls learn leadership and friendship skills through our badge programs! We have a variety of badges so each girl can explore their own interests.

  • Will girls be placed with their friends or sisters?

    Some troops are formed specific to grade level, while others are multi-level. Please email your council membership representative if you have a special request for friends or family members to be in the same troop. While we try our best to accommodate these requests, there is no guarantee. We encourage you to consider becoming a troop leader for your Girl Scout and their friends! It’s fun and rewarding, and you will make so many memories along the way!

  • How soon will I hear back from their assigned troop leader?

    During the fall, council membership staff host family interest nights to share information about the Girl Scout program, recruit volunteers, and form new troops. The next step involves the council membership staff processing new leader background checks and providing new leader training. This process could take up to 2-3 weeks.

    Because we are working with volunteers and each troop leader determines the right troop size for them, there is no guarantee that we will be able to place all girls. Please consider volunteering to help all girls experience positive relationships, action-oriented leadership, and meaningful service that genuinely influence others.

  • Who is my council membership representative?

    Girl Scouts of Middle Tennessee has council membership staff that live and work across the 39 counties that we serve. If you contact your county’s specific staff person, they will have the most accurate information on troops and opportunities in your area.

    Visit the About Us Page to find your council membership staff contact.



  • How can I volunteer with Girl Scouts of Middle Tennessee?

    Adults serve in important roles as volunteers and supporters of the troop. Many Girl Scout activities are opportunities for adults and Girl Scouts to spend time together. All adults involved in the Girl Scout’s life can add value to the Girl Scout experience and are encouraged to work with their troops to help them grow. Creating a safe environment for all ensures that every opportunity is fun, educational, and positive.

    Troops must have at least two unrelated, approved adult volunteers present at all times. Additional adult volunteers are dependent on the size of the group and the ages and abilities of the Girl Scouts. Adult volunteers must be at least 18 years old and not in high school. At least one volunteer present must be a woman.

  • Who can volunteer as a troop leader?

    Dedicated volunteers are often family or community members excited to serve as mentors and provide girls with dynamic experiences that lead to growth.

    Any adult over the age of 18 (not in high school) who accepts the Girl Scout Promise can serve as a volunteer with Girl Scouts.  All volunteers must pass a criminal background check, register as an adult member, and complete required trainings. At least one volunteer present must be a woman.

  • What is the commitment for volunteering as a troop leader?

    Troops typically meet one to two times per month for about an hour or an hour and a half. Additional responsibilities include preparing for meetings and communicating with troop families. We encourage troop leaders to involve all families to help with various roles.

    As a troop leader, you set the meeting place, time, and frequency as well as decide how many girls you would like to have in your troop!

  • What tools and resources does the council provide troop leaders?

    There are plenty of resources available to assist troop leaders! Your council membership representative will guide you through the process of troop formation, new leader training, and provide support throughout the year. All leaders have access to our GSMIDTN Troop Resources, which are regularly updated. Plus, all leaders can join their local Service Unit network of experienced volunteers that serve as wonderful mentors and support!

    Additionally, Girl Scouts of Middle Tennessee is pleased to offer two adult registration fees and one adult Camping Skills 1, Camping Skills 2, and First Aid/CPR training free of charge to every troop.