Virtual Cadette, Senior, Ambassador JAM – Adult Training

Join us via the free app Zoom for a Virtual JAM Session! JAMs are grade-level adult trainings that cover information on Girl Scout Journeys, girl awards, troop management, and making Girl Scouts a fun, meaningful experience for the girls as well as the adults who lead them. ThisContinue Reading

Virtual Cookie Rally Training

Attend this online training on how to host a Virtual Cookie Rally for a Service Unit or Troop! You’ll see some of the new rally activities from Little Brownie Bakers and enjoy crafts and games. Please note this is a virtual training. Continue Reading

Virtual Troop Information Session

Are you interested in joining a virtual Girl Scout troop? Do you want to learn more about the virtual troop? Come join us for a Virtual Troop Information Session! This is for families interested in joining our Virtual Troop or families that are already signed up for theContinue Reading