5 Green Ways to Celebrate Earth Day!

With just a few days until Earth Day, we wanted to share a few ways you can be prepared to celebrate our planet earth the Girl Scout way – by making it a better place!

  1. Get outside. Being outside can help the earth and you feel better! Go on a bike ride, plan a picnic or play a game in the yard, and remember why it’s important to take care of the earth.
  2. Use less water. Turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth, collect rainwater to water the yard or come up with a water-saving method to clean clothes.
  3. Plant something! Whether it’s a tree, flower or food in your garden, growing a new plant gives nutrients back to the earth.
  4. Bring your own bag to the grocery store. By using reusable bags and containers, you’re helping reduce the amount of waste in the world!
  5. Create your own up-cycled treasure. Grab an old piece of furniture and some craft supplies, and turn it into something you’ll love for years to come.

Do you have a favorite way to care for the earth? Share your story with us!