Did you know the first Earth Day was in 1970? That makes this year the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day, and quite possibly the most unique of them all. With COVID-19 keeping most families in quarantine at home, Earth Day may look a little different this year, but luckily, you don’t have to travel far to get to nature – it’s right at your back door! To celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day, we’ve compiled a few ways that you can make our planet a better place from the comfort of your own backyard.

  1. Use less water. There are several ways to help conserve water by changing daily habits at home! Turn the faucet off when you brush your teeth, take speedier showers, wash produce in a bowl full of water instead of running the tap, or use a special bowl or barrel to collect rain water (this is perfect for watering plants)!
  2. Conserve electricity. The majority of electricity that powers your home is generated from clean energy sources. Help conserve electricity by turning off the lights when you leave a room, unplugging electronics when they aren’t being used, or using natural light from the windows to brighten your room.
  3. Get creative. Looking for a fun craft project to do? Use recyclable materials or items from your backyard for your art! For inspiration, check out this fun art project from Virtual Camp that you can do from home.
  4. Educate yourself. Celebrate Earth Day by learning more about the Earth! Take a Virtual Field Trip to learn more about conservation and the environment.
  5. Use your green thumb. Growing a new plant gives nutrients back to the earth, so plant a new flower, vegetable, or tree in the backyard.
  6. Create a new recycling bin for your family. Grab a box, bin, or bag that isn’t being used and create a new recycle bin for your family! Decorate the bin by coloring on it, using stickers, or taping a homemade sign to it!
  7. Do a Girl Scout activity that’s also good for the environment! We have several patches and activities girls can do to learn more about the environment, get out in nature, or help make the world a better place. These badges and patches are part of our Virtual Girl Scouts program and can be done easily from home: