Girl Scout Generations

Gillian, Girl Scout Brownie in Troop 2107, was inspired to become a Girl Scout because of her great-grandmother’s involvement and recently wrote to Girl Scouts of Middle Tennessee about their shared involvement. In addition to Girl Scouts, Gillian also plays the violin, enjoys swimming, hip-hop dance, and playingContinue Reading

Summer Jobs

It’s almost summer time! School might take a break during the summer, but the opportunities with Girl Scouts of Middle Tennessee are just getting started! Summer internships and jobs are a great way to develop job skills and a welcome addition to your college application. If you’re undecidedContinue Reading

Girl Scouts are Friendly and Helpful

We want to share what Girl Scouts are doing in your area! Whether it is collecting cans for a local food bank or spending time visiting an assisted living facility, we know Girl Scouts love giving back to our community. We are looking for stories from Girl ScoutsContinue Reading