This week we are focusing on women who used their life skills to become a part of Women’s History! Whether you have a talent for soccer, are good at baking, or can conduct a room to silence, you can use your talents and skills to make a difference in this world. As you celebrate the women featured this week, think about how what your talents are, or a skill you could develop more and how you can use your passion to be a part of women’s history!  

*This week is also our Girl Scout Birthday celebration on Tuesday, March 12th! Check out our website at: to see how you can incorporate our traditions into this week as well!  

March 11th: Social Media 

There’s nothing quite like mastering a new hobby or learning how to do something from those who know it best. This week, we are focusing on our Girl Scout pillar of Life Skills, and all the women who took their own special skills to make their mark on the world. Share a picture or a time that you were able to try something new or learn from a tradition in your family. How did you feel when you were “skilled” in something you used to not know how to do? Share your experience by posting on social media with the hashtag #GSskilledwomen 

March 12th: In Her Own Words 

In a 2023 interview, soccer superstar and Gold medalist Abby Wambach reflects on her successes and failures. She says, “I’m obsessed right now with the whole concept of what enough is. You know, everybody is searching for happiness. Well, that’s just so stupid. I, I think that happiness comes in moments.” What’s a happy moment you’ve experienced recently? 

Listen to the rest of the interview here: 

March 13th: Just for You 

This challenge is just for you: Choose your favorite family tradition. It could be how you celebrate a holiday, the food you make, or an activity you do together. Write a letter to explain this tradition to an alien from another planet. What might sound odd to them? What would you need to explain further? 

March 14th: Deep Dive into Life Skills/Traditions 

If your troop would like to learn more about the origin story of Girl Scouts, you all should check out the film “Juliette Low and the Girl Scouts”. There are also several brief videos about Juliette Gordon Low’s life and impact available on YouTube. This week is also a great opportunity to delve into your troop’s specific interests. Is there a movie that features a skill they would all like to learn?  

Book recommendations for this week include Who Was Juliette Gordon Low? By Dana Meachen Raw (Daisy), Daisy and the Girl Scouts by Fern Brown (Brownie), Juliette Low, Girl Scout Founder by Helen Boyd Higgins (Junior), and Lady From Savannah: The Life of Juliette Low by Gladys Denny Shultz and Daisy Gordon-Lawrence (Cadette, Senior and Ambassador). 

March 15th: Life Skills/Traditions SWAP



  • Black cardstock 
  • Silver paint 
  • Gold paint 
  • Puzzle pieces 
  • Yello ribbon 
  • Paint pen 
  • Glue  

How to: 

  1. Cut out a circle of the black cardstock. 
  2. Paint one puzzle piece gold. 
  3. Paint the other puzzle piece silver. 
  4. Fold over the ribbon and glue it to the top of the circle.  
  5. Glue the dried puzzle pieces on top of the ribbon. 
  6. Write “Friends Fit” on the lower half of the circle.