April is Volunteer Appreciation Month, and we want to wish a big THANK YOU to all of our wonderful volunteers!
We would not be able to continue to support the girls if it was not for the help of our leaders, co-leaders, service unit managers, cookie coordinators, and countless others working together for the Girl Scout mission.
From standing in the rain during cookie season to spending a night camping under the stars, there is nothing our volunteers won’t do to make sure Girl Scouts are having a great time. It is not easy being a volunteer with demands from all directions, but it is a rewarding experience as they help guide a girl’s future and impact her life.
A Girl Scout volunteer is a great role model for girls to look up to and aspire to be. They are someone who can help girls overcome obstacles while encouraging them to find out who they are. Our volunteers do amazing work to be sure every girl is accepted and allow a space where girls can escape from stress and pressures they are facing.
Girls love when they get to talk with their leader about their accomplishments and what Girl Scouts has allowed them to do! They are thankful for the cookie coordinators who stop by their booth sales and help support them. They are happy for supporters who help them get to meetings and different programs.
Simply put, Girl Scout of Middle Tennessee volunteers are the BEST! The remarkable work they put in is apparent by the amazing girls they are helping to empower. THANK YOU!!!
Stay tuned for a free Volunteer Appreciation gift from The Cabin!