Council Quest – Proud of Me

In this quest, Cadettes will learn to recognize their thoughts, feelings and emotions as aspects of their whole self that they can and should be proud of. Girls will learn why building a solid social and emotional foundation prepares them to be successful leaders and strong contributors toContinue Reading

Council Quest – Power of Me

In this Quest, Seniors and Ambassadors will learn to utilize the strength of their thoughts, feelings and emotions in real world situations. Utilizing their social, emotional, and mental core as a guide, girls will become empowered to advocate for themselves, others and their communities as they become leadersContinue Reading

Council Quest – Pieces of Me

In this quest, Brownies and Juniors learn about their whole self. Emotions, thoughts, and feelings are explored as important pieces of every girl’s unique and individual identity. They are equally important in managing how girls feel about themselves and how they identify with and act towards others. &nbspContinue Reading