Virtual Junior JAM – Adult Training

Join us via the free app Zoom for a JAM Session! JAMs are grade-level adult trainings that cover information on Girl Scout Journeys, girl awards, troop management, and making Girl Scouts a fun, meaningful experience for the girls as well as the adults who lead them. This sessionContinue Reading

CPR/First Aid Part 2 – Skills Test

This is the 2nd part of a two-part series to earn First Aid/CPR/AED certification. This session will be held in-person with small group, social distancing, & cleaning protocols. Skills Test must be completed within 90 days of completing Virtual CPR/First Aid – Part 1. Register separately for “VirtualContinue Reading

Camping Skills 3

This optional training is an overnight class that prepares leaders to camp with girls in a primitive setting. In this class, you will learn and practice skills while primitive camping. Primitive camping is camping in a remote location or a site where you provide everything for yourself. SitesContinue Reading

Virtual First Aid/CPR – Part 1

Virtual CPR/First Aid – Part 1 covers the classwork portion of the training & is the first part of a 2 part series. Part 1 is completed virtually at your own pace via links that will be provided to participants. Part 2 is an in-person skills test thatContinue Reading

Virtual Adult Training – GSMIDTN History 101

Wondering what else you didn’t learn in history class? Join us for Middle Tennessee Girl Scout History 101 and learn when our council got started and how far we’ve come since then. You’ll hear everything from from fun facts about our camp properties to interesting tidbits about ourContinue Reading