MEdia Journey Weekend

This weekend is planned around the Cadette MEdia Journey. Cadettes will explore the media they love with a critical lens, discuss negative stereotypes, and make their voices heard by reshaping and responding to media. You will receive a $2 discount toward your Journey award in the Cabin. ContactContinue Reading

aMUSE Journey Weekend

This weekend is planned around the aMUSE Junior Journey. Girl Scouts will explore the roles they play in their lives, develop the confidence to try on new ones, and help others to do the same. You will receive a $2 discount toward your Journey award in the CabinContinue Reading

Brownie Journey Day: Think Like an Engineer!

Find out how engineers use design thinking to solve problems! This program is planned around the Think Like an Engineer Journey and emphasizes confidence, teamwork, and cooperation as Girl Scouts learn about the Design Thinking Process. You’ll complete three design challenges with your team. You will receive aContinue Reading

Daisy Journey Day: Think Like an Engineer!

Find out how engineers use design thinking to solve problems! This program is planned around the Think Like an Engineer Journey and emphasizes confidence, teamwork and cooperation as Girl Scouts learn about the Design Thinking Process. You’ll complete three design challenges with your team. You will receive aContinue Reading

Ambassador Journey Day

Are you interested in learning how engineers design and use problem solving skills? In this Journey Day, you will design and build prototypes of 3 different challenges and plan a Take Action project that helps others. You will also receive a $2 discount towards your Journey Awards. GirlContinue Reading