Ambassador Journey Day

Soar towards Justice! Once you believe change is possible, earning the Sage Award is only a few steps away. Take a stand at this one of a kind Journey Day with your fellow Girl Scout Ambassadors and work on protecting the environment. Some pre and post work isContinue Reading

A World of Girls Journey Day

This event is planned around the A World of Girls Brownie Journey. Brownies will learn about girls around the world and how stories can give them ideas for helping others. Activities include games from around the world, creating self-portraits, and sharing their stories with girls around the worldContinue Reading

5 Flowers, 4 Stories, 3 Cheers for Animals! Journey Day

This event is planned around the 5 Flowers, 4 Stories, 3 Cheers for Animals! Daisy Journey. Daisies will learn what animals need and how to care for them – and how that is similar to learning to take care of themselves. This program includes a Loving & GroomingContinue Reading

Senior Journey: Mission Sisterhood

A smorgasbord of sisterhood awaits you this weekend. Explore the diversity of friendship and sisterhood through visual, performing and culinary arts. You will receive a $2 discount toward your Journey Award in the Cabin. Please observe girl to adult Safety Activity Checkpoint ratios. Contact: Elizabeth-   RegisteredContinue Reading

Ambassador Journey: Bliss

Creativity counts when it comes to confidence. Build confidence in your dreams by exploring the world of music, installation art, fashion design, drawing and street art. You will receive a $2 discount toward your Journey Award in the Cabin. Please observe girl to adult Safety Activity Checkpoint ratiosContinue Reading