Summer Jobs

It’s almost summer time! School might take a break during the summer, but the opportunities with Girl Scouts of Middle Tennessee are just getting started! Summer internships and jobs are a great way to develop job skills and a welcome addition to your college application. If you’re undecidedContinue Reading

Cookie Rally

The Girl Scout Cookie Program is about more than just cookies! Welcome to the world of business done Girl Scout style. As business owners, girls will learn how to launch their own cookie enterprises that help them reach their goals. Jumpstart your cookie season by learning business skillsContinue Reading

Girl Scouts Gain Independence through Entrepreneurship Programs

Did you know Girl Scouts of Middle Tennessee’s programming is full of character-building and friendship-forming activities? Last fall, Girl Scouts of Middle Tennessee launched the Entrepreneur Center for Girls, a center dedicated to providing hands-on, immersive programs for Girl Scout Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors ready to grow theirContinue Reading