Girl Scout Week 2021: Girl Scout Sunday: Featured image
Let’s kick off Girl Scout Week with Girl Scout Sunday! March 7-13 is National Girl Scout Week, and we are kicking it off with Girl Scout Sunday today! To celebrate, we’ve asked Girl Scouts and staff to reflect on what the Girl Scout Law means to them. I…Continue Reading
Attention all rising-star Girl Scouts! Join Nashville Children’s Theatre for a virtual theatrical experience with your friends as NCT Teaching Artists help you hone your acting and dancing chops! Workshops are broken down by grade/membership levels and there are two workshop options per group. Zip Zap Zoom! Drama…Continue Reading
2020 Round-up: Featured image
2020 has looked different for everyone, but Girl Scouts still accomplished so much this year! As this year comes to an end, we wanted to take a look back at all the amazing things Girls Scouts in Middle Tennessee have done. We are so thankful for the amazing…Continue Reading
Ways to Virtually Volunteer: Featured image
More than ever, service is an integral part of our community. The tornadoes in Tennessee and COVID-19 pandemic have created an even greater need for our community to step up and help. As Girl Scouts, we promise to help people at all times and to live by the…Continue Reading