Each year, we have a full week dedicated to celebrating Girl Scouts!
This year’s Girl Scout Week is March 6-12. Here’s a layout of the week, with a few ideas for celebrating with your troop.
You’ll see that a couple days hold space for Girl Scouts’ spirituality. We invite Girl Scouts to include their faith as part of this special week in a manner true to their own religion. GSUSA and GSMIDTN are welcoming and inclusive to members of all faiths.
Sunday, March 6 | Girl Scout Sunday
Girl Scout Sunday is a special day dedicated to thinking about your beliefs and how they’re reflected in the Girl Scout Law. It’s also an opportunity to see how those beliefs often connect with our faith in certain ways.
Think about how your carry out your Girl Scout values. Do you see any ties with the religion you practice? Share your Girl Scout story with us!
Monday, March 7 | Make a Change Monday
Positive changes start from small, intentional decisions. Find a simple step toward improving something– a part of your community, perhaps, or your self-esteem.
There are a million ways to make the world a better place. Today, focus on just one.
Tuesday, March 8 | Tradition Tuesday
Girl Scouts from all generations and councils share a special bond, rooted in history we cherish and tradition we carry on! We love our traditions big and small: friendship circles, SWAPs…the list goes on and on!
Be intentional about doing one Girl Scout tradition today!
Wednesday, March 9 | Girl Scout Way Wednesday
What does it mean to be a Girl Scout? What have you learned during your time as a Daisy, Junior, Ambassador, or any point in between? What’s changed? What’s stayed the same?
Work towards your Girl Scout Way badge!
Thursday, March 10 | Take Action Thursday
Want to earn one of the Girl Scout Highest Awards? Start planning a Take Action Project you’re passionate about!
Research organizations/causes you’re passionate about. Contact an adult mentor who could be your project advisor. Set a date for a service project in your community. No matter where you are in the process, make one new decision today.
Friday, March 11 | Girl Scout Spirit Day & Jummah
Represent Girl Scouts today! Wear your favorite Girl Scout T-shirt or carry your favorite item, like a backpack or water bottle…and tell the story of where you got it (maybe camp or a troop adventure!)
Girl Scout Jummah celebrates the powerful ties between Girl Scouting and faith. Girls are encouraged to connect their faith to the Girl Scout Promise— “On my honor, I will try to serve God.”
Consider working on the My Promise, My Faith pin, examining the Girl Scout Law and and how it ties to the tenets of your faith.
Saturday, March 12 | Girl Scout Birthday & Sabbath
It’s Girl Scouts’ 110th birthday! Have a party with your troop!
Girl Scout Sabbath celebrates the powerful ties between Girl Scouting and faith. Girls are encouraged to connect their faith to the Girl Scout Promise— “On my honor, I will try to serve God.”
Consider working on the My Promise, My Faith pin, examining the Girl Scout Law and and how it ties to the tenets of your faith.