March 11-17 is National Girl Scout Week, and we are kicking it off with Girl Scout Sunday today! To celebrate, we’ve asked Girl Scout Senior Sadie to reflect on what the Girl Scout Law means to her.
The first sentence of the Girl Scout Law says, “I will do my best…” This sentence is the most meaningful to me because my best might be giving 90% of what I can, and someone else’s best might be giving 100%. Girl Scouts doesn’t tell you that you must give a certain amount for what you are doing or you must do things this way or that; Girl Scouts says do your best.
The Girl Scout Law also says, “Make the world a better place.” As a young Girl Scout I didn’t think about how I was affecting the world. Now I realize that making the world a better place doesn’t mean you have to do something extreme, like changing a law. Even the smallest thing can change the world in someone’s eyes – like if you asked a kid that always eats alone at lunch to eat with you. You might not think that small action changed the world, but it did for them because now they have a friend.
The last part of the Girl Scout Law says, “Be a sister to every Girl Scout.” This is very powerful and means a lot to me. It means no matter how you look, what color your skin is or what values you have in life, Girl Scouts will accept you the way you are and will treat you like everyone else.