Girl Scouts recognizes the continued support of adult volunteers by offering Adult Awards.

We are grateful for the service shown by all of our volunteers. The names listed below represent only a small preview of the dedicated supporters behind Girl Scouts in Middle Tennessee.

  • Appreciation Pin

    The Appreciation Pin recognizes an individual’s exemplary service in delivering the Girl Scout Leadership Experience – service which has had a measurable impact on one geographic area and helped the council surpass mission-delivery goals.

    Babetta Arhagba | Troop 1379 • Service Unit 153

    Carly Britt | Troop 1257 • Service Unit 183

    Tracy Coleman | Troop 1958 • Service Unit 102

    Sharon Connor | Troop 131 • Service Unit 178

    Allyson Fitzsimons | Troop 2984 • Service Unit 178

    Ali Fricke | Troop 151 • Service Unit 178

    Kimberlie Goley | Troop 1017 • Service Unit 112

    Patricia Lekki | Troop 91 • Service Unit 22

    Bethany Litton | Troop 1017 • Service Unit 112

    Danette Mahabeer | Troop 388 • Service Unit 23

    Jennifer McGowan | Troop 1244 • Service Unit 178

    Kim Pomerantz | Troops 877, 1114 • Service Unit 178

    Erin Richardson | Troop 1610 • Service Unit 152

    Paige Shafrath | Troop 6000

    Christy Spain | Troop 1516 • Service Unit 178

    Mary Ward | Troops 1627, 847, 386 • Service Unit 23

  • Honor Pin

    The Honor Pin recognizes an individual’s exemplary service in support of delivering the Girl Scout Leadership Experience – service which has had a measurable impact on two or more geographic areas of service and helped reach and surpass mission-delivery goals.

    Jasmine Allen | Troop 3038 • Service Unit 157

    Jasmine has served as the main cookie and booth coordinator for four service units in Rutherford County. She has worked with volunteers from all service units, helping them learn how to manage and set up cookie booth locations throughout the county. This Cookie Season, she did an excellent job providing information to all leaders quickly, in addition to running an efficient Rutherford County Count and Go.

    Jen Ambarian | Troop 2915 • Service Unit 178

    Jen is such a meaningful part of the service unit. She helps in so many ways, not only for the girls, but for other adult volunteers. She played a key role teaching the girls photography as they earned their Outdoor Art Badges at camp.

    Jennifer Dunn | Troop 2929 • Service Unit 178

    Jennifer has always been vital to Service Unit 178 and will be stepping into the Service Unit Manager role this fall. She has made an impact on many middle school girls, always making sure to find activities they relate to. 

    Joe Lambert | Troop 4044 • Service Unit 142

    Joe is dedicated to ensuring GSMIDTN volunteers have opportunities to enhance and grow their skills through trainings. He commits to the team, offering extensive knowledge and experience to help others!

    Stephanie Palmer | Troop 2604 • Service Unit 80

    Stephanie has played a critical role in her service unit and troop. She makes sure all girls have the ability to learn and grow from each event. Her ability to think outside the box shows with everything she does!

    Lourdes Sneed | Troop 2915 • Service Unit 178

    Lourdes started as summer day camp special operations team member and now leads in a variety of ways! She is always willing to step up and fill in wherever there are needs in the service unit. She is also a leader for her daughter’s troop.

    Sissy Taylor | Troop 2351 • Service Unit 177

    Sissy is eager to help in any way possible. Not only is she an excellent trainer for volunteers, but she is also a longtime troop volunteer and service unit manager for Service Unit 177. Her commitment to our organization is exemplary.

    Keri Welker | Troop 4022 • Service Unit 81

    Keri is always willing to lead any trainings that arise. Adult volunteers learn many skills from her experience and knowledge. She also leads many troops in On-Your-Own programs.

    Debbie Young | Troop 597 • Service Unit 122

    Debbie will travel hours to ensure all volunteers are being served through GSMIDTN trainings. She has been known to execute multiple trainings in one day to save time for volunteers. Debbie is always willing to be where she can be of help. 

  • Thanks Badge

    The Thanks Badge I and II honors individuals whose ongoing commitment, leadership, and service has had an exceptional, measurable impact on meeting mission-delivery goals and priorities benefiting the entire council or Girl Scout Movement.

    Sallie B. Bailey • Board Chair

    Sallie B. Bailey’s dedication to Girl Scouts of Middle Tennessee has proven invaluable. She is the retired CFO of Louisiana-Pacific Corp. and served on the executive committee of GSMIDTN Board of Directors as the Board Treasurer from 2012-2016 and as the Board Chair for the past two years. As treasurer, Sallie oversaw the council’s transition to a 403(b) retirement plan that better serves employees and council. More recently, Sallie stepped in to serve as Board Chair and, through her leadership and direction, ensures Girl Scouts will be serving girls in Middle Tennessee for years to come.

    Caren Gabriel • Board Member

    Caren Gabriel has served on Girl Scouts of Middle Tennessee’s Board of Directors for six years and chaired the Product Program Committee. She is the President and CEO of Ascend Federal Credit Union, and her financial expertise is an important asset to GSMIDTN. As the chair of the Product Program Committee, Caren played a pivotal role when the council evaluated the pricing structure for the Girl Scout Cookie Program and ensured that packages remained affordable. Caren’s insight and ongoing commitment helps girls across Middle Tennessee.

    Sarah Trahern • Board Member

    Sarah Trahern’s commitment to Girl Scouts of Middle Tennessee is unparalleled. She served on the Board of Directors and the Governance Committee for six years. As the CEO of Country Music Association, her advocacy for Girl Scouting connected the council to artists who raised support and awareness for GSMIDTN’s outreach programs. Sarah’s passion truly benefits all girls in our council.

  • President's Award

    The President’s Award recognizes the efforts of a service delivery team or committee whose exemplary service in support of delivering the Girl Scout Leadership Experience surpassed team goals and resulted in significant, measurable impact toward reaching the council’s overall goals.

    Service Unit 23 | Keri Adams

    Service Unit 163 | Cathy Marino

    Service Unit 142 | Tricia Yanofsky

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