Program Aid Training

Hey Cadettes! Did you enjoy earning your Leadership in Action? Want to learn more skills to help younger Girl Scouts? Program Aides are those Cadettes who are committed to helping out a troop, service unit, or council program. So come build your leadership skills in this first stepContinue Reading

LiA Training

Interested in earning the first part of your Program Aide Award? Help out some Brownie Girl Scout friends, as they complete some Journey activities planned and lead by YOU! Brownies are not required to complete the journey. Contact: Elizabeth-   Girl Fee: $5Continue Reading

CIT Training

Ready to take your Summer Fun Camp experiences to the next level? CITs support and lead activities for Summer Fun and Twilight Day Camps. These are local, volunteer sponsored day camp programs provided for girls of all ages throughout our 39 counties. Girl Scout fee: $15 Non-Girl ScoutContinue Reading

Teen First Aid/CPR Training

Ready to learn some lifesaving skills? At any point in your life, being CPR Certified could save a friend or a family member. Join us for a day of learning basic First Aid and CPR. Girl Scout fee: $25 Non-Girl Scout fee: $50Continue Reading

PA Training

Hey Cadettes! Did you enjoy earning your Leadership in Action? Want to learn more skills to help younger Girl Scouts? Program Aides are those Cadettes who are committed to helping out a troop, service unit, or council program. So come build your leadership skills in this first stepContinue Reading