Volunteer Enrichment Weekend (VEW)

This is an annual Girl Scouts of Middle Tennessee event. Experience a weekend of leader enrichment activities including workshops designed to enhance skills for working with girls. Exact location will […]Continue Reading

Service Team Summit

Join Service Unit Leadership Teams across Middle Tennessee to participate in engaging workshops, hear dynamic speakers and receive training on topics pertinent to your role! Go-Getter Session: Are you interested […]Continue Reading

Adult Adventure Weekend

ADVENTURE….There’s no APP for that! Have you ever wanted to participate in the adventure programming that your girls get to enjoy? Now is your chance to play. Adult Adventure Weekend […]Continue Reading

Fall Trainer Meeting

This meeting is designed especially for council trainers will include workshops that will enhance your skills in facilitating training for both girls and adults. It is also an opportunity to […]Continue Reading

Outdoor Skills Training

This class prepares leaders to camp with their girls. It is designed to be taken after completing three online courses (Camp Information and Procedures, Camp Prep and Camp Ready). In […]Continue Reading