If you’ve never participated in the Girl Scout Cookie Program, you might have noticed we use many acronyms and phrases you won’t hear anywhere else!
Don’t worry, we’re here to clear up some of the confusion! See our list below to learn what all the terms are as you work towards your best cookie season yet!
HUGS = Hugs for Our Soldiers (HUGS), a council-sponsored organization at Ft. Campbell for donations from customers when purchasing cookies
TGOC = Troop Gift of Caring, an organization selected by the troop for donations from customers when purchasing cookies
PGA = Per girl average, the average number of cookie packages sold by each girl in a troop, only based on the number of girls selling
SUCC = Service Unit Cookie Coordinator, the point of contact for all the troops in your regional service unit area for all cookie training, questions on your regional level, and reward pick-up for troops
SUM = Service Unit Manager, the point of contact for all the troops in your regional area
TCC = Troop Cookie Coordinator, the contact that is in charge of the troop’s cookie program, eBudde software, and cookie pick up
LBB = Little Brownie Baker is the cookie baker located out of Louisville, KY, that supplies the Girl Scout Cookies for Middle Tennessee
eBudde = Cookie software that handles inventory, payments, and rewards. LBB is the vendor that supplies this software.
GSMIDTN = Girl Scouts of Middle Tennessee
CloverGo = Digital credit card processing system GSMIDTN uses for booth payments for credit cards
JotForm = Database GSMIDTN uses for all online forms; This is a secure site for forms and responses.
Help Center = Located on the eBudde system, this site holds all the “From the Council” information and helpful items from LBB
ACH = Automated Clearing House, the automatic payment-pull from the troop bank account for cookies
Initial Cookie Order / Paper Orders = Orders taken from customers in-person and recorded on the paper order card prior to booth sales; These orders are typically picked up from Count & Go and girl-delivered to customers
Cookie Rally = An event on a troop/service unit level that gets girls excited for the cookie season and teach them about marketing, inventory, and selling cookies
Cookie Count & Go = The major pick-up event for your troop’s initial cookie order; Troops go to a centralized location to pick up the cookies
Cookie Cupboard = Multiple pick-up locations for cookies throughout cookie season; If a troop needs additional cookie inventory, they can order it on eBudde, then pick up the cookies from a Cookie Cupboard
5 Skills = Just a few of the main skills Girl Scouts learn from the Cookie Program!
- Goal Setting
- Decision Making
- Money Management
- People Skills
- Business Ethics
Stellar Seller = A girl that sells more than 1,000 packages of cookies; They will be recognized at our Honors Day ceremony in May!
SUPER Kits = Pre-packaged kits for a cookie rally, which includes all materials needed (patches, cookie samples, crafts, instructions booklet, etc.)