Maybe you know what Girl Scout Cookie matches your taste buds, but have you ever thought about which cookie matches your personality??

Since Girl Scout Cookie Season is HERE, we thought it was the perfect time to share our new “What Girl Scout Cookie are You” quiz! Simply keep track of the letter that you answer the most, and it will reveal which cookie is most like you.

This would be a perfect ice breaker for a troop meeting or just something fun to share with your friends and family!

Let us know which cookie you are by posting on social media and tagging us at Girl Scouts of Middle Tennessee (Facebook) or GSMIDTN (Instagram). 

Download Cookie Quiz

You can currently pre-order cookies from local Girl Scouts! Reach out to a Girl Scout you know.
You’ll have the option of having the cookies shipped to you in January (which includes a shipping cost) or delivered by the Girl Scout seller in early February.
Booth sales start all across Middle Tennessee on February 6!