Are you interested in becoming a volunteer…
But not sure where to start? We’re here with five reasons to volunteer.
- You’ll develop skills and talents you never knew you had or grow the skills you do have. You can volunteer in something you are already great at or try out something new. Either way, there’s a way you can help.
- You’ll build friendships that stand the test of time. As a volunteer, you’ll work alongside 4,000 other volunteers who will be there to support you, encourage you, and share in your accomplishments for years to come.
- You’ll create once-in-a-lifetime memories that last. Whether laughing until you cry or bursting with pride as you watch Girl Scouts succeed, you’re sure to make lots of memories you’ll treasure as a volunteer.
- You’ll enjoy the adventure of seeing girls try new things. You get to go on this journey with Girl Scouts from the first cookie sale to earning her Gold Award, you get to be part of the journey. Being there is something you’ll both enjoy.
- You’ll inspire local girls to be leaders in your community. While you help girls build the skills they need to change the world, they’ll also inspire you with their courage, confidence, and character.
Volunteer Positions
Troops need at least two volunteers; one must be a leader.
- Troop Leader: plans meetings and helps lead or find people to lead meetings
- Assistant or Co-Leader: helps the leader or shares the role of troop leader; planning meetings
- Cookie Parent: is good with numbers and has space to sort cases of cookies, helps manage cookie season (December–March)
- Treasurer: helps the troop keep track of receipts and is on the troop bank account
- Communications: helps share information and may take photos of the troop
- Runner: helps gather supplies, attends meetings as needed, organizes badges or patches, is there to help with materials
- Snack Parent: helps organize or provide snacks for meetings or events
- Camping Parent: helps with camping trip planning and during the actual camping
What a Volunteer Does
- Attends meetings 1-2 times per month to help girls learn skills or experience things
- Does some planning and organizing of materials ahead of time to have a great meeting
- Can help plan events for day trips, field trips, or camping trips
- Helps build girls up to have their own voice, to be confident, and help them grow
All parents should help in some way, whether that’s attending one meeting, helping carpool to meetings, providing snacks, or sharing their expertise. Girl Scouts is for families and we want every girl’s family to be involved. How will your family be involved?
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