Me & Mine

Come join us for some awesome camp fun at Camp Sycamore Hills and bring your favorite female adult with you. You will get a small taste of some of our camp activities and make some creative camp crafts to take home!   Girl fee: $60 Non-registered Girl feeContinue Reading

Summer Camp New Family Orientation

Are you a family who is new to Camp Holloway and Camp Sycamore Hills? If so, then this virtual orientation is for you! We’ll answer commonly asked questions including what to pack, where to find information, how to fill out forms, meals, and more! We can’t wait toContinue Reading

Summer Camp New Family Orientation

Are you a family who is new to Camp Holloway and Camp Sycamore Hills? If so, then this virtual orientation is for you! We’ll answer commonly asked questions including what to pack, where to find information, how to fill out forms, meals, and more! We can’t wait toContinue Reading

Thin Mint Sprint

Come join Girl Scouts of Middle Tennessee for the inaugural Thin Mint Sprint 5k and 1-Mile Fun Run presented by Publix Supermarket Charities! Start your morning off right by running or walking our 5k through Camp Sycamore Hills in Ashland City! If the 5k run is not theContinue Reading