At Girl Scouts of Middle Tennessee, everything we do is designed with, by, and for girls. Our all-girl, girl-led space allows girls to safely thrive in an environment designed just for them!

Girl Scouts have an extensive variety of opportunities to connect with their local communities by participating in Girl Scout traditions that include leadership, outdoor skills, camping, and community service in a setting filled with friendship, learning, and fun. Activities reach beyond these traditions and also focus on healthy living, the arts, financial literacy, science, technology, and entrepreneurship. Girl Scouts are committed to the mission of making their communities and their world a better place.

Any girl in grades K–12 can join Girl Scouts and experience the time-honored traditions combined with innovative programming. There is a Girl Scout experience for every girl at any age level.

Fill out our Fall 2024 interest form! A member of council staff will be in contact if there are opportunities to join a forming group.

Are you over 18? Become a Girl Scout troop leader today and join us in supporting Girl Scout youth on their journeys!


Family Interest Night Locations

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How will Girl Scouts benefit my child?

    Through Girl Scouts, girls develop a strong sense of self, the ability to build healthy relationships, and a passion for community problem-solving. They are given a safe environment to seek age-appropriate challenges and form positive values.

  • What is a troop meeting like?

    Girls work on earning badges, completing community service projects, developing leadership skills, and making lifelong friends.

  • Who will be my troop leader?

    Each troop is led by at least two adult volunteers – typically parents and caregivers of girls in the troop. Volunteers are background-checked and receive training from GSMIDTN. Troop availability for your new Girl Scout will depend on adults volunteering to start and lead new troops.

  • What is the commitment for volunteering as a troop leader?

    Troops typically meet one to two times per month for about an hour or an hour and a half. Additional responsibilities include preparing for meetings and communicating with troop families. We encourage troop leaders to involve all families to help with various roles. As a troop leader, you set the meeting place, time, and frequency as well as decide how many girls you would like to have in your troop!

  • How often and when do troops meet?

    Troop leadership creates the schedule for the group and sets the pace. Most Girl Scout troops meet between one and three times per month, and the day and time is determined by the leaders. Troops, on average, meet for 1 hour to an 1 hour and a 1/2 per meeting.

  • How much does it cost?

    Annual membership is $25. Uniforms are optional and typically cost around $45. Troops are also able to ask for troop dues, ranging from $20-40, which helps the troop purchase startup supplies. Financial assistance is available for membership dues, uniforms, council programs, and summer camp.

  • We can't wait to get started! What are next steps? How can we register?

    During the fall, council membership staff host family interest nights to share information about the Girl Scout program, recruit volunteers, and form new troops. The next step involves the council membership staff processing new leader background checks and providing new leader training. This process could take up to 2-3 weeks.

    We want to ensure that we have a placement for your girl before you register. When your Regional Executive has a placement for your child, they will send you the most up-to-date instructions on how to register your child through CouncilAlignMENT.

    Because we are working with volunteers and each troop leader determines the right troop size for them, there is no guarantee that we will be able to place all girls. Please consider volunteering as a troop leader to help all girls experience positive relationships, action-oriented leadership, and meaningful service.


  • What is CouncilAlignMENT?

    CouncilAlignMENT has been designed by Girl Scouts of Middle Tennessee to fulfill the needs of volunteers, parents, and staff who want to better serve Girl Scouts in our community.

  • Do I have to use CouncilAlignMENT?

    Yes, CouncilAlignMENT is used to register your Girl Scout as a council member and register for program events and activities as well as make payments online.

  • How do I get started with CouncilAlignMENT?

    Contact your Regional Executive to receive instructions on how to set up your account!