Let’s kick off Girl Scout Week with Girl Scout Sunday!

Girl Scout Sunday is a special day dedicated to thinking about your beliefs and how they’re reflected in the Girl Scout Law. Research at least one religion that is different from your own. Share what you learn with friends or family!

Ways to Celebrate Girl Scout Sunday

  • Research at least one religion that is different from your own. Share what you learn with friends or family!
  • In Christianity, Sunday is traditionally a day of worship. Attend a Girl Scout Sunday service in your community. Don’t know where to find one? Ask your Service Unit Chair, or encourage your faith community to host one!
  • Think about the ways that the Girl Scout Promise and Law are similar to lessons you’ve learned in your faith community. Work toward earning the My Promise My Faith Award.

Bonus: Invite a friend from your faith community to experience Girl Scouts with you! 

Building on the foundation of faith and bonding through community service is a great way to introduce friends to Girl Scouts. Plus, we’re gearing up for Early Renewal and everyone is invited to bring a friend! Learn more at gsmidtn.org/renew and talk to your troop leader today!