It’s Take Action Thursday!

Whether it’s researching organizations you’re passionate about, contacting an adult to ask they be your project advisor, or setting a date for a service project in your community, we challenge you to take one step toward your Take Action Project today.

Girl Scout Take Action Projects address an issue by tackling the factors that cause or contribute to it. As you may expect, these projects have a far-reaching influence. They’re designed to change something for the better forever. In the Girl Scout world, projects specifically associated with Journeys and Girl Scout Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards are Take Action Projects.

Note: While Take Action Projects should always focus on serving the community, the health and safety of all Girl Scouts and Girl Scout families remain our top priority. We ask that you take our Troop Meeting Guidelines into consideration as you plan for in-person service opportunities. If you feel your troop is unable to take proper safety measures at this time, you may want to consider holding virtual events, recording videos, and incorporating other digital technology.

Helping Girl Scouts Find Inspiration

Your troop’s Take Action Project should, of course, be designed by the girls in true partnership with adults. The girls should be actively engaged in designing who their Take Action Projects will serve, what the project will look like, and how it will impact their community. To help guide them, leaders may want to prompt girls with general steps to follow.

1. Girls identify assets and needs in a community.

Take Action TODAY: Encourage girls some time brainstorming needs in the everyday spaces of their community. Remind them to think about what their school, church, neighborhood, parks, and even other people could benefit from.

2. Girls reach out beyond their circle to meet others.

Take Action TODAY: Offer girls the opportunity to research local ways to help and encourage them to make a list of new contacts they come across.

3. Girls make a team decision about what they will take action on.

Take Action TODAY: Have girls discuss with any stakeholders what they intend to do. This could involve meeting with the troop or group, contacting a local official, or reaching out to their school principal.

4. Girls learn the steps needed to carry out an action plan.

Take Action TODAY: Break the big goal into smaller steps and draft a plan to achieve each task necessary.

5. Girls assist with project logistics.

Take Action TODAY: Have girls look ahead on their calendars and coordinate a day or time to put one piece of the plan into action. Make sure girls, adults, troop leaders, project advisors, and any other necessary community support will be available.

6. Girls take action alongside community members.

Take Action TODAY: If their project is already in the works, get out there and make progress! Show girls that even small progress moves them forward.

7. Girls reflect on their action and assess what they gained.

Take Action TODAY: If their project is completed, have girls draft a journal entry of what they learned and how they impacted the community. If they have encouraging and inspiring quotes to share, tag us at Girl Scouts of Middle Tennessee (Facebook) or GSMIDTN (Instagram).

8. Girls celebrate their community accomplishments.

Take Action TODAY: Once girls have wrapped up their Take Action Projects, encourage them to celebrate! Have them write thank you notes to everyone involved in their project and spend some time sharing with them how proud you are.