Let’s kick off Girl Scout Week with Girl Scout Sunday!
March 7-13 is National Girl Scout Week, and we are kicking it off with Girl Scout Sunday today! To celebrate, we’ve asked Girl Scouts and staff to reflect on what the Girl Scout Law means to them.
I will do my best to be:
Honest and fair, friendly and helpful, considerate and caring,
“I believe it is very important for Girl Scouts to always follow this part of the Girl Scout Law. Not only is being honest and fair, friendly and helpful, and considerate and kind the right thing to do, but it also makes it so everyone else sees Girl Scouts as positive role models and good examples of how all people should treat each other.” – Camille, Troop 107
Courageous and strong,
“As a Girl Scout, I believe it is our duty to try our best to be courageous and strong when faced with new opportunities and standing up for what is right when faced with adversity. You don’t have to climb mountains to be courageous or move them to be strong. If we can do at least one thing that scares us each day, then that is one less thing that has any limiting power over us and achieving our dreams – so be brave!” – Kelly “Jester” Sharpe, Camp Sycamore Hills Director
Responsible for what I say and do,
“Being part of a Girl Scout troop meant that others relied on me. I had to make sure to follow through with what I said I planned to do. While accepting the responsibility of a leading role on a project, badge, or event, you ensured others were going to enjoy the Girl Scout experience. It establishes the sense of responsibility that I can carry into decisions I make in my adult life.” – Taylor, Troop 104
And to respect myself and others,
“Our troop was very accepting of each others’ differences in personality and culture. We truly became sisters. It taught me the ease and enjoyment of meeting other people outside of the Girl Scout troop family that were different than me. It makes it easier in high school to see past the differences in other students and recognize the true person that they are on the inside. I have so many amazing friends, from many different backgrounds, because of my experience in Girl Scouts.” – Sadie, Troop 104
Respect authority,
“I learned that authority was in place to help keep us safe while enjoying a new experience. I especially learned this during my work at Girl Scout Summer Camp. I also found that I wanted to provide the first responders in my town with notes of thanks! They give so much to the citizens, and we should respect them for all of their personal sacrifices.” – Thea, Troop 104
Use resources wisely,
“Our troop loves to use resources wisely. We take reusable trays and cutlery when camping that we wash and hang to dry in mesh bags. We also bring things from home to use as often as possible to avoid buying new things for activities and crafts. When I was a Brownie, we did the Engineering badge and we made inventions out of recycled materials! It was good for the environment because we were reusing things we would have just throw away, and we had a lot of fun too! “ – Lily, Troop 807
Make the world a better place,
“In my experience with Girl Scouts, we have assisted with the backpack program in Robertson County and adopted several angels from the Angel Trees during the holiday season. I am looking forward to a City Clean-up Day in Greenbrier this Spring!” – Kenley, Troop 1958
And Be a Sister to Every Girl Scout.
What does the Girl Scout Law mean to you? Share with us by emailing communicationsdept@gsmidtn.org or tagging us on Facebook or Instagram! We would love to share your story!